Walking Individuals (2022)

Walking Individuals emerged from a curiosity about exploring the concept of identity, with a focus on the street as a unique space for investigation. The street stands out as an intriguing space because it is highly accessible to a diverse range of people. However, the majority of individuals on the street are typically in transit, driven by the purpose of reaching their destination rather than engaging in self-exploration or connecting with others.
Within this dynamic space, the question arises: How does the notion of identity unfold when individuals share the same physical space, more free from divisions, yet are not necessarily inclined to truly understand one another?"

This work prompted a reevaluation of the concept of identity. The familiar understanding of identity, as a means for individuals to represent themselves and express their true selves accurately, took on a new dimension through this project. I began to recognize another facet of identity—its prevalent use as a tool for external identification of individuals.